
I can delicious Bulgarian fried mushrooms - "Gubi v Maslo"

Dear Folks,
I have just returned from my X.mas break in Bulgaria. In previous Posts I had the chance of praising and advertising a wonderful country, a melting pot of Folks, cultures and landscapes.
It is still a diamond in the rough, meaning that it has so many great potentialities still to be explored.
Today, I am going to share with you one of my favorite Bulgarian “Tapas”, it is a quick delicious dish to be enjoyed with friends and family.
Any typical Bulgarian Restaurant will have it in its MenĂ¹, so next time that you go there do not forget to ask for it.
You can have  it with a strong full bodied Bulgarian Red Wine, I recommend Black C.
Hope that you will enjoy it as much as my family and I does it.
Bon Appetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art

Shopping List
1 large can of sliced Mushrooms
50g of Butter
Q.B. Garlic Cloves Q.B.
Q.B. Dill (fresh or dry)
Q.B. Black Pepper
Q.B. Salt
Q.B. Chili Powder
Q.B. Red Paprika

Step 1) Open the can and rinse well the mushrooms under cold water, leave them in a strainer;
Step 2) In a large frying pan place the mushrooms and let the water evaporate;
Step 3) Add the butter, bit by bit and let it melt, continue mixing;
Step 4) Add the chili, pepper, salt and red paprika to your taste;
Step 5) Mix everything and add the dill (plenty of it);
Step 6) Finally add the chopped garlic, do not let it burn but it should fry sufficient to add flavor;
Step 7) Don’t allow the mushrooms to burn but they should be slightly fried;
Step 8) As this kind of tapas is supposed to be eaten with bread, make sure that you have enough sauce, add more butter if necessary;
Step 9) Serve the mushrooms in a large plate to be place at the center of table, guests can eat it together with small pieces of white bread;

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