
I can "Aphrodisiac Spicy King Prawns"

One of my personal favourites is a fusion dish taught to me by my Brother-in-Law, and with time and practice further developed by me.
As you probably have read in my last post, I can not elect just one as the best cuisine in the world, thus I love to mix, create and play with the various cuisines, typical dishes and ingredients.
The advise for today is a simple and quick dish that can be both impressive (taste and looks) and also be aphrodisiac (to put you and your partner in the mood).
It is a fusion between Portugal and Indonesian recipies.
Still, it is a dish that I frequently cook also for my family, friends and occasional visits.
It is an explosion of different tastes and it can be also accompanied by a good bread to dip in the delicious sauce. Once again, first and foremost, remember that the quality of the ingredients equals the quality of the dish.

Here's the shopping list:

½ kg of Cooked and Peeled King Prawns
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 Garlic Cloves (or more depending of your preferences)
4 tablespoons sugar
Q.B. Red Dried Chillies
Q.B. Black Pepper
Q:B. Fresh Coriander
1 Orange, squeezed

Step 1) Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the chopped Red Dried Chillies
Step 2) Brown the King Prawns till they gain a golden colour
Step 3) Add the chopped garlic and mix (add Black Pepper to you taste)
Step 4) Do not allow the garlic to burn, add the sugar and mix
Step 5) When you have obtain a syrup, Squeeze a Fresh Orange over the Prawns
Step 6) Mix thoroughly and cut the fire
Step 7) Chop the fresh coriander leafs and serve it over the preparation
Step 8) Serve the Prawns on a tray.

Bon Apetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art


What is the best Cuisine in the World?

I live in Italy almost for three years now, but if I count with my other previous stays, it amounts to a good seven years of Italian experience.
It is a good country to live in, being Portuguese there are many similarities between the two cultures and I do not feel like a foreigner at all.
The other day I was having an interesting discussion with a friend and colleague of mine. He is Italian and of course that he was praising his country and his food. The discussion was around which is the best food in the world. It is a huge question to which I was explaining to Fil, one cannot answer for sure. I agree that Italian food is one of the best cuisines in the world. For so many reasons, such as variety, taste, Mediterranean healthy diet, wines, ingredients, etc, etc.
But I cannot place it in the first position, as a matter of fact I cannot place any in the first position, I love variety so much that I can not elect just one.
In my opinion, travelling is essential to taste everything that good Planet Earth has to offer.
Being Portuguese I grew up with highly complicated dishes, that are a result of so many cultural mixtures (Arab, European, Indian, African, Asian), that is why Portuguese Cuisine is an open book of the world history. With such cultural background my taste has been developed to appreciate spicy food and mixtures. My brother-in-law, is half Dutch, half Indonesian, his family opened in the 80’s the first Asian Restaurant in my home town. Thus, I have also developed an immense appreciation towards Indonesian dishes and Asian cuisine in general. I used to joke saying that when appreciating Indonesian food I had an orgasm of flavours and textures. Living quite close to Spain also made it possible to grow while enjoying Spanish Tapas and Paella. Living in the EU made it possible to freely travel and live anywhere in Europe, so I have learned to appreciate so many different cultures, foods and tastes. Also, the fact that I am married to a half Russian half Bulgarian lady, come to further "complicate", my apreciation towards different cultures, cuisines, habitutes, etc.
I agree with Fil that Italian cuisine is essentially good quality ingredients and its main force is its simplicity. Italian food is great because it is simple.
Still, I love to create, to re-invent, to experiment, thus I am a good fan and preacher of Fusion Cuisine, which is: I mingle flavours and ingredients of many of my favourite dishes.
I could not live without Mexican Food, without Indonesian or Thai Food, Japanese, French, African, Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, Lebanese, Turkish, Moroccan, Italian, Brazilian, Russian, Bulgarian and my personal favourite Portuguese.
So, if you want to become a Gourmet enthusiast, I advise you to travel, the world is quite a big and various place in order to identify a single cuisine as the best. Half of the experience of travelling is to mingle with the natives, to know them, understand them and taste their food.
Bon Apetit
Chef Gourmet Du Art

Curiosities: 1)Potatoes were introduced in Europe by the Spanish (that brought them from the New World; 2)Sugar was brought to Europe by the Crusaders from the Holy Land; 3) Portuguese Spice Trade in the 16th century changed the European Cuisine Habits;

Places I have been, where you can enjoy good International Food: Indian Restaurant Babur – London, UK; Moroccan Restaurant Aldar – Hotel Pine Cliffs Algarve, Portugal; Indonesian Restaurant Tempo Doeloe – Amsterdam, Holland; Russian Restaurant Saslik – Helsinki, Finland, Thai Restaurant Koh Phagan – Stockholm, Sweden; Fusion Restaurant Shambala – Milano, Italy


I can "Banana Flambé"

If you want to impress the loved one, not only in the taste but also in the sight, here’s a classic that will do for you.
As you probably have read in my first post, the main objective of this Blog is to share the wonderful world of Gourmet, thus there are a few tricks and/or recipes that can be easily prepared at home.
An old classic used in many famous restaurants that can be easily be prepared by you. Once again, first and foremost, remember that the quality of the ingredients equals the quality of the dish (in this case desert).

Here's the shopping list:

2 bananas
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
4 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup white rum or any strong white spirit (I use Bulgarian Rakia – firewater)
1 lime, squeezed
Vanilla Ice Cream

Step 1) Peel and halve the banana lengthwise.
Step 2) Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
Step 3) Brown the bananas 5 minutes on each side.
Step 4) Add the sugar and pour in the rum.
Step 5) Cook for 2 minutes.
Step 6) Flambé (that is set on fire the rum in the pan).
Step 7) Sprinkle with lime juice and serve at once.
Step 8) Serve the Flambé Bananas with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Bon Apetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art


I can "Rich Chocolate Fudge"

If you need a bit of romance, here's a small tip to get, both you and your partner in the mood.
As you probably have read in my previous post "Is Chocolate better than Sex?", I have explored the many virtues of Chocolate, thus here's a small recipe (very easy) that not only is used in many famous restaurants but it can easily be prepared by you. First and foremost, remember that the quality of the ingredients equals the quality of the dish (in this case cake).

Here's the shopping list:

200g of Dark Chocolate
100g of White Flour
100g of Sugar
6 eggs
100g of Butter
Chocolate Powder

Step 1) Melt a spoon full of butter and prepare the forms. You should be sure that all forms have been brushed with melted butter. Rest the forms in the freezer for now.
Step 2) Melt the rest of the butter. Break the chocolate in small pieces and mix throughly till all the chocolate is melted. You should have a liquid paste now. Let it rest for now.
Step 3) Beat the eggs separately. Leave the white eggs mixture resting in the fridge. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar and the flour.
Step 4) Mix the white eggs foam with the other egg yolk mixture. Should be done by hand carefully.
Step 5) Add the melted chocolate to this mixture and continue to stir till you have well blended mixture.
Step 6) Remove the forms from the freezer and pour some chocolate powder over each and every hole.
Step 7) Pour the chocolate mix in the forms, more or less half full.
Step 8) Pre-heat the oven to 180°c, you should bake the cakes around 7 to 8 minutes. When you see the top coming out of the form.
Step 9) Remove all cake from the forms. This should be an easy operation.
Step 10) Serve each cake separately in a small desert dish with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream.
The centre should be hot and liquid.

Bon Apetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art

Is chocolate better than sex?

If Aztecs considered Chocolate an aphrodisiac why is that all foods containing Chocolate were strictly forbidden to women? Why in Vienna in the 17 century, the Professor Johan Franciscus Rauch condemned Chocolate as an inflamer of passions. Why? If now-a-days, it is a common romantic gesture to offer a box of Chocolates to our loved ones.
It is said that even the famous flamboyant Casanova used to drink his Cioccolata at Café Florian in Venice. According to Casanova, Chocolate was better than Champagne and called it the “elixir of love”.
I just know that Chocolate tastes good and makes me feel happy. I also notice that it is a welcomed gift to anyone.
In fact, in my many cherished childhood memories, there’s the one of Christmas Day eating full boxes of Chocolates while reading the new Asterix book or in a cold rainy winter morning having a full rich Chocolate drink at Cafetaria Suiza in Lisbon.
Chocolate makes people happy? Yes it does! Probably, because of the phenylethylamine, a naturally occurring amino-acid (considered by many as aphrodisiac). Do you know that it is the same substance release by your body when you are in love. It has also teobromine, by many confused with Caffeine, but with different effects in the human body, still a stimulant. And also, Serotonin, that provides a similar pleasure than sunlight.
It is this so-called feeling of euphoria that has hooked generations and generations to Chocolate.
Well, as per my personal example, Chocolate is not better than sex, but it also contributes to your mood elevation, provides you stamina, gives you pleasure and yes… it tastes good too.
Bon Apetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art

Curiosities: 1)Chocolate comes from the Aztec language "Xocoalt", Xoco meaning bitter and Alt meaning drink;
2) The solid form of Chocolate (Chocolate Bar) was created by a Dutch called Joseph Fry back in 1847; 3)Lately, it is said that because of Cocoa Plantation shortage, Chocolate can become as expensive as Caviar;

Places I have been, where you can enjoy good Chocolate: Caffe Tasse – Brussels, Belgium, Harrods Chocolate – London, UK, Hotel Sacher – Vienna, Austria, Guido Gobino – Torino, Italy, Platti – Torino, Italy, Teuscher – Geneve, Switzerland


Sushi - trend or healthy eating?

Most readers have recently noticed the proliferation of Sushi restaurants, take-a-ways, or availability in some Supermarkets.
Sushi has gained notoriety, when in a recent past it was seen by most simply by a Japanese raw fish dish. Of course that Sushi is more than that.
I confess that I have only tasted Sushi almost by accident when visiting the dorm of University College of London, one of the students was eating some Hosomaki (thin rolls), and curious me, simply asked the girl if it was good. She then offered me a small piece and from then on it was a roller coaster of experiences, learning, reading cook books and talking with some Sushi Chefs.
Sushi as you all know, is a Japanese dish, probably the most known Japanese gourmet life style. Of course that not all Japanese cuisine is Sushi, nothing more wrong, they have a rich variety of food, Sushi is just one of many forms of Japanese cuisine.
If you belong to the class of people that are now escaping from Sushi because it became popular you are escaping from an healthy life style. Sushi can be easily prepared at home. I do it myself, and my family enjoys it quite much.
The first rule of Sushi is quality. When choosing a Sushi restaurant, be sure that the Chef is Japanese;
unfortunately there are many Chinese Sushi Restaurants. The quality is bad and such place is ruining
the Sushi experience to many. If the Chef is Brazilian, it is not bad, as you might not know, Sao Paolo is the
largest Diaspora of Japanese emigrants in the world, so with time, they have taught the art of Sushi to some
good Brazilian Chefs.
The Sushi can be accompanied with Sake (Rice Fire Water), or with a good dry Japanese Beer (Asahi is
In your first experience don’t exaggerate in the doses. You should start with a simple Hosomaki mix, in
order to get acquainted with the flavours and texture of the Sushi. Piece of advice, the Ginger and the
Wasabi (kind of Mustard) are not choices that one can have or have not. You must put a bit of Wasabi
over the role, then a piece of ginger before you dip it in the Soya sauce. You should eat the slice in one go,it
is considered rude to eat Sushi in half’s or cut in small pieces. Sushi usually comes in small portions that can
be easily eaten in one go.
Going back to Wasabi and Ginger, they are consider natural antiseptics and you should eat it in order to
protect your stomach from eventual harmful enzymes present in raw fish.
Sushi is a wonderful experience; it is healthy and highly digestible food.
You shouldn’t eat Sushi more than twice a week.
If you have enjoyed your meal, it is considered polite to offer the Sushi Chef a beer.
If you want to start preparing it at home, there are many nice Japanese cook books, but the best advice is to
sit next to the Chef in your favourite Sushi restaurant, you will learn its tricks simply by looking carefully.
Last but not least piece of advice, do not eat with fork and knive.
Bon Apetit.
Chef Gourmet Du Art

Curiosities: 1) In Japan, women are not allowed to prepare Sushi, as they have warmer hands and it might
affect the quality of the raw ingredients; 2) The Sushi was introduced in Japan by the Chinese; 3) Sushi means “it’s sour”.

Places where I have enjoyed good Sushi: Restaurant “Terra” Oporto, Portugal, Restaurant “Arcadia
Torino, Italia, Restaurant “Akira” Köln, Germany, Restaurant “Kinoshita” Sao Paolo, Brazil, Restaurant
“Origami” Lisbon, Portugal

Why a Gourmet blog

Dear readers,
The idea behind the “I CAN GOURMET” is simply to raise available a space where each and everyone can easily access and learn more about a wonderful ART.
First and foremost, Gourmet is Art. It is a fine Art of everything concerning Food and Wine. In this Blog, I will go a bit further and also expand to fields or key elements around the Gourmet Life Style. I will talk about Places, Trips, Experiences, Tips, Failures, etc.
I will take my privileged inner contacts and share all with you.
Any one can and will experience the Gourmet Life Style without being necessarily over-rich or over-travelled.
My Blog, our Blog, will also be the dedicated forum where you will be invited to share your own thoughts and tell us your perspective of the Gourmet world.
Along side this Blog, I will also create a dedicated site, for Food, Wines and Delicatessen (tbd).
I do hope you enjoy it.
Bon Apetit.
Chef Gourmet Du Art