
I can wonderful "Asparagus alla Bismarck"

Dear Readers,
A promised here’s my recipe for “Asparagus alla Bismarck”.
This simple recipe is one of my Family’s favourite, it’s easy, simple and fast to prepare.
It is a good compromise between cooking with good taste and preparing a simple economical dish.
It is a good recipe now for the cold days and I advice you to have it with a good full bodied Red, something like a Nero D’Avola from Sicily or even a Bordeaux.
You must have good fresh sliced white bread with it.
History tell us that German Diplomat Otto Von Bismarck that serving under the rule of Kaiser Wilherm II was the main responsible for unifying Germany, thus he has many dishes named after him.

Here’s the shopping list:

1 kg of fresh green Asparagus (you can also purchase frozen)
1 spoon of Olive Oil
4 Large eggs
q.b. Salt, Pepper and/or Piri-Piri (Chilly Pepper)

Step 1) Boil the asparagus, be sure that they are not over cooked;
Step 2) Fry the eggs separately and be sure that the yolks remain soft ;
Step 3) Sauté the asparagus in a frying pan, till they gain a golden colour;
Step 4) Grated the Parmigiano Cheese over them and role them;
Step 5) Add the salt, pepper and some chilly if you like it;
Step 6) Grate more Parmigiano Cheese;
Step 7) Divide into for portion each in every plate and add the egg on top;
Step 8) Serve them with fresh sliced white bread;

Bon Apetit,
Chef Gourmet Du Art

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